Monday, July 31, 2017

Attraction Marketing Tips – Free Training Part 1

“7 Reasons Why Most People Do Not Make Any Money In Network Marketing and What You Need to Do to Get into Profit Today!”

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Here’s part 2

Until next time,

Jonathan tejeda onlinebizpro signature

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Attraction Marketing Tips – Free Training Part 2

“Ultimate Success Secret Revealed Find a Heavy Hitter Producing the Results YOU Want and Simply COPY Your Way to Success”

The Key to Top Network Marketing Success…

Tony Robbins popularized the idea that “Modeling is the Pathway to Success.” Meaning, if you see anyone producing a result you want – all you need to do is find out specifically what they are doing and simply copy them.

Do the same things… in the same way… at the same level of intensity… and you will produce the same results.

If you enjoyed this post, please “like and share” for more!

Until next time,

Jonathan tejeda onlinebizpro signature

The post Attraction Marketing Tips – Free Training Part 2 appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Attraction Marketing Tips – Free Training Part 3

“Article Marketing Secrets Revealed A Solid Article Marketing Plan is One of the Most Powerful Best-Kept Secrets for Getting Traffic, Leads, Sales and New Sign Ups”

“Executing an online article marketing plan is one of the most powerful ways to build your business fast with long-lasting, ever-increasing cumulative traffic results.

A well-written, well-placed, well-ranking article with a compelling call to action can be considered money in the bank. An asset that pays interest again and again in the form of hot, fresh, highly targeted visitors to your web site who have pre-qualified themselves by already expressing an interest in your product, service, solution or opportunity.

Article Marketing Secrets – Attraction Marketing Free Training

Seriously. The phrase “article marketing secrets” really doesn’t do enough justice to the power of this online marketing system.”

If you enjoyed this post, please “like and share” for more! ๐Ÿ™‚

Until next time,

Jonathan tejeda onlinebizpro signature

P.S: Simple Top-Earner Secret to Get More Leads, Customers, & Reps... and Make Money in YOUR Home Business in 10 Days (or less)!

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Attraction Marketing Tips – Free Training Part 4

“Web Traffic Secrets Revealed The Key to Getting Organic Website Traffic is to Get Your Page, Blog Post or Article to Rank High on Google”

“A web site, blog post or article that does not rank well on the major search engines for a specific keyword phrase people actually use to find a particular product, service or opportunity is absolutely worthless.

So the best “web traffic secrets” advice you could ever get is to actively promote your content by re-purposing your content and distribute it to as many different article directories, blogs, social bookmarking sites, and microblogs as possible in order to get hundreds, even thousands of anchor text backlinks pointing back to your content.

Getting Traffic Secrets Revealed – Attraction Marketing

Search engines reward properly optimized pages, posts and articles with a high rank in their search results based upon the number of links pointing back to your content and the quality of links pointing back to your content. Obtaining both quality backlinks and a huge quantify of backlinks are the two viable traffic secrets you will ever need.”

If you enjoyed this post, please “like and share” for more! ๐Ÿ˜€

Until next time,

Jonathan tejeda onlinebizpro signature

P.S: Simple Top-Earner Secret to Get More Leads, Customers, & Reps... and Make Money in YOUR Home Business in 10 Days (or less)!

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Attraction Marketing Tips – Free Training Part 5

“Website Ranking Secrets Revealed The Key to Getting Your Website to Rank High on Google is to Find What Already Ranks, Why and Simply Duplicate the Model”

“Studies indicate if you get one of your pages, blog posts or articles a #1 google website ranking you will pick up almost a third of all daily traffic for that specific keyword phrase. Rank in the #2 or #3 spot and you can expect to pick up 10 to 15%. Secure all three positions for a top money-making keyword and your can write your own 1st class ticket to paradise!”

If you enjoyed this post, please “like and share” for more! ๐Ÿ™‚

Until next time,

Jonathan tejeda onlinebizpro signature

P.S: Simple Top-Earner Secret to Get More Leads, Customers, & Reps... and Make Money in YOUR Home Business in 10 Days (or less)!

The post Attraction Marketing Tips – Free Training Part 5 appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Great Leaders Have All These Traits in Common

” If you want to be a great leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner, as a manager, as a parent. Leadership is the great challenge of life.”

I think what’s important in leadership is every day getting better and better refining your skills. “All great leaders keep working on themselves until they become effective.”


Here’s how:

  1. Learn to be strong but not impolite.
  2. Learn to be kind but not weak.
  3. Learn to be bold but not a bully.
  4. Learn to be humble but not timid.
  5. Learn to be proud but not arrogant.
  6. Learn to develop humor without folly.
  7. Learn to deal in realities.

Turn Yourself Into a Successful Leader

  1. First, start thinking on your own on all occasions.
  2. Decide definitively who or what you want from life.
  3. Analyze every single defeat, review what happened and learn.
  4. Be willing to let your mind receive.
  5. Recognize that your greatest asset is time.
  6. Recognize that fear is the filler in which opposition occupies when you don’t have your mind on your mission.
  7. When you ask out loud there is no begging.
  8. Recognize that life is hard and it’s okay if you allow it to be hard.
  9. Never accept anything from life that you don’t want.

In this video, Mr. Brian Tracy is going to share with you 7 more qualities of all great leaders

Inspired by: (SJR) & (BMLSP)

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Until next time,

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P.S: Step up to leadership FREE DOWNLOAD: Step-by-Step PDF + Video to Create Your 1st E-Book even if you're Brand New (FREE tools included!)

The post Great Leaders Have All These Traits in Common appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Let’s Take Care of the Basics (Food, Sleep, and Exercise) Why You Can’t Ignore Them

“Healthy people are more creative, mentally sharp, and productive. Face it. We don’t always take care of ourselves as well as we should. It’s hard because life gets in the way—doubly so if we have a busy and productive work life. And when faced with the choice between hard work and convenience, guess which one wins out most of the time?

But whether it’s convenient or not, maintaining our health should come first, before our daily to-do’s, before our work. Why? Because if we aren’t healthy, we can’t be successful, either—at home or at work.”

3 basics to health food, exercise, and sleep

So Let’s Talk About the Basics:


It’s lunch time. You’ve been working since six o’clock in the morning. When those hunger spasms strike, the most requesting alternative seems to be greasy, ultra-convenient fast food. The last stuff you crave is a paltry little snack like a salad. But what are those calories found in burgers and fries actually doing to your post-lunch productivity?
Writing for the Harvard Business Review, Ron Friedman lays out the facts about how different foods affect been productive at work. He cites research studies where players reported” meat intake, feeling, and behaviors over a period of 13 days.” All those people who consume little high-fat snacks and more fruits and vegetables were” happier, more engaged and more creative” than the individuals who opted for high-fat, high-calorie lunches.

We tend to think simplistically about a certain food. Those of us who face a daily bombardment of emails, reports, and mounds of activities work  relate like to think of it as “fuel.” That analogy is a little misleading, nonetheless. As Friedman points out, you can expect a certain level of consistency with energy and fuel. Food, in other ways, is less predictable. What you dine affects your productivity in different ways, so eat smart.

Read more…

Now let’s move into sleep:

“Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety.

The way you feel while you’re awake depends in part on what happens while you’re sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development.

The damage from sleep deficiency can occur in an instant (such as a car crash), or it can harm you over time. For example, ongoing sleep deficiency can raise your risk for some chronic health problems. It also can affect how well you think, react, work, learn, and get along with others.”

Read more…

3 healthy habits basics


You can find more about Mr. Pete Evans right here.

If you enjoyed this post, please “like and share” for more! ๐Ÿ˜€

Until next time,

jonathan tejeda signature image


The post Let’s Take Care of the Basics (Food, Sleep, and Exercise) Why You Can’t Ignore Them appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

5 Places to Find More Costumers – Sales Prospecting Tips

In this video, Tanya Aliza is going to share with you 5 places to find more costumers for your business.

“It doesn’t matter where you find people. People are people, so as long as they’re open to hearing more about your product, service, or business… But I will say – if you’re going to be a professional Network Marketer, you need to be employing both online and offline strategies to find more customers and to grow your sales prospecting efforts.”

You can find Tanya YouTube channel here!

5 Places to Find More Costumers

  3. Facebook
  4. Viral Content Bee
  5. Last but not least. Out and about!

Read More!

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Until next time,

jonathan tejeda signature image

P.S To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog like this one, Click here

The post 5 Places to Find More Costumers – Sales Prospecting Tips appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

The Amazing Ferrari 488

“The racing versions of the 488 GTB are the successors to the 458 Italia GTC and GT3. They have a more aggressive bodywork compared to the GTE and GT3 specs of the 458 Italia thanks to the new 2016 FIA GTE and GT3 regulations, while their engine is the same 3.9 litre V8 turbo used for the 488 GTB.

In 2016 the 488 GTE was entered by AF Corse in the FIA World Endurance Championship, competing also in the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans, while Risi Competizione lined it up in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship.”

Both the 488 GTE and GT3 were unveiled at the 2015 Finali Mondiali Ferrari which took place at Mugello.

Ferrari 488 GTB

The Simple Pleasures Ferrari 488 Spider

Source: Ferrari 488 & Motor Trend Channel

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Until next time,

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The post The Amazing Ferrari 488 appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

15 Ways to Create Tweets That Get Action

Twitter has 320 million current active users so it’s no wonder why it’s getting more and more difficult to be seen on Twitter. But done correctly, Twitter can still be a great source of traffic. And as you know, if your Tweets aren’t driving traffic, then they’re not doing you or your business much good.

That’s why I’ve compiled this list of 15 ways to get your Tweets seen and clicked on by your followers.

Marketing Your Biz with Twitter

Marketing Your Biz with Twitter

1: Add Images

Did you know that Tweets with images receive 18% more click-throughs, 89% more favorites, and 150% more retweets?  And you can create multiple images for each blog post, using attractive colors, centered headlines, and interesting textures. Don’t forget to add your brand or URL, too.

For a slew of free design tools, check out this infographic:

2: Use Faces

Studies show that few things in print or online media capture people’s attention faster than faces, so why not use them?

3: Use Your Own Face

Don’t forget to tweet your own face now and then, especially if you’re using a logo as your profile picture. You’ll increase the stopping power of your tweet as well as build more of a personal connection with your followers.

4: Use Brackets

This is a great subject line trick as well – include something such as an afterthought in brackets, like this: “Love the shoes [too sexy!]”

5: Quote Someone

Twitter users love quotes. They can be funny, famous, timely and so forth. When you come across something inspiring or thoughtful, by all means, share it. And if the quote is over 140 characters, feature the quote in an image. Here are 20 tools to do just that.

6: Hashtag Your Topic

Your tweets are usually seen only by your followers. But if you add a hashtag or two, your tweet can potentially be found by others as well. Want to do some hashtag research? Check out

7: Make Your Tweets Contagious

To get your tweets shared, Jonah Berger, the author of Contagious: Why Things Catch On, says to make them viral using any of the following:

  • Social Currency – how smart a user looks to others when they share your tweet
  • Triggers – top of mind content people are triggered to think about
  • Emotion – focus on feelings rather than function
  • Public – Built to show, built to grow. Think of a brand that puts a red bottom on all of their shoes and you get the idea.
  • Practical Value – news you can use
  • Stories – tell stories people want to share

8: Add Emojis and Symbols

Non-text characters make your message stand out. If you’re using a smartphone, you’ll find the emojis right on your keyboard. If you’re on a computer, you can download a Chrome extension or copy and paste Twitter symbols from a Twitter library such as this one.

9: Ask Questions

Posting questions to your followers is an effective way to engage people. Be sure to follow up with everyone who answers you so they know you’re listening. And you can always highlight answers by retweeting them with your response, keeping them alive and inspiring even more interaction.

10: Use Polls

Twitter Polls are a great tool for attracting attention and engaging followers. Click the “Add Poll” icon beneath the tweet box, add up to four questions, and choose how long you want your poll to run.

11: Thank Profusely and Often

When your fellow tweeters have promoted your content or even contributed to it, thank them. This makes you look like a really nice person, plus it’s great for building relationships.

12: Use @ to Get Specific Attention

If you want someone specific to see your tweet, mention them by including their username preceded by the @ symbol.

13: Use an Image to Grab Group Attention

If you want to get the attention of a group of people, include an image in your tweet. Then when Twitter prompts you with “Who’s in this photo?” you can tag the image with up to 10 users without affecting your character count.

14: Use Twitter Cards

Twitter cards let you include additional media types – such as images, videos, audio and download links – in your tweets. They’re not the easiest thing to use the first time, though, so you might want to follow along with Twitter’s CMS Integration Guide.

15: Tweet Multiple Times

Tweets go by so fast, many of your tweets will never be seen. That’s why you want to tweet about that new blog post of yours several times over the course of a few days. Bonus: Use ‘Start a Fire’ This service lets you increase the reach of your content as you share free links. Here’s how it works:

First, you add a branded badge with content within any link. Let’s say you’re sharing content from Mashable – you simply add a branded badge to the link. Next, you share your third party content to increase engagement. After all, a link from Mashable will often get more clicks than a link from your own website. And by the way, this doesn’t just work with Twitter – it works with Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and several other social media networks.

Lastly, your re-shared links continue to carry your recommendations to new audiences, exposing them to your content. And you can track, measure and get instant insights on the performance of your third party content, too!

Make the very most of your Twitter time by using these little tricks to get your tweets noticed and shared.

Hope You Enjoyed this post! ๐Ÿ˜€

Until next time,

jonathan tejeda signature image

P.S: If you like to learn more about Twitter marketing for your business, check out this free step by step training!

The post 15 Ways to Create Tweets That Get Action appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Do you sell a monthly membership? If not, you might want to consider it. 3 reasons why:

1. Monthly memberships mean residual income. You sell a membership once and you get paid for it month after month until the person cancels.

2. Selling a membership generally isn’t any harder than selling a one-time product, yet you get paid a whole lot more for the same effort.

3. If you offer a trial membership, it’s even easier to get new subscribers. In fact, it can be easier than selling a regular one-time product. Yet you can make a LOT more, as this case study will show.

why start a membership site

Why Start a Membership Site!

Michael Hyatt has a membership site called Platform University. Twice a year he opens the site up for enrollment. Of course, you can take new enrollees into your membership site as often as you choose, but Michael likes to do it just twice a year – probably because it seems more exclusive that way. Membership costs $37 a month.

But when his recent launch ended, he decided to offer a $1.99 trial membership to anyone who didn’t take the full $37 a month membership. So after the one week trial period ended, he sent out an email to everyone who didn’t become a member.

Why Start a Membership Site Continues

In the email, he offered a 7 day trial for $1.99, but the catch was they only had 24 hours to grab it.
That email went out to 40,000 people. 819 signed up for the trial offer.  (If you’re going to do the math to see how much 819 times $1.99 is, you’re going to miss the point. But it’s $1629) Of those 819 people, 292 canceled the membership before it rolled into the $37 a month auto payment. That sounds bad, doesn’t it?

It’s not. Because that means 527 new members paid their first $37 a month. At $37 a month, that’s an additional $19,499 of monthly recurring income that Michael would never have had if not for the trial membership. And things get even crazier because the average member stays for 17.3 months, which is a lifetime value of $640.10 per member.
Which is to say, that $1.99 trial offer resulted in over $300,000 in revenue. Wow.

Really, it makes you wonder why he doesn’t just offer the trial membership. But here’s the thing: By spending a week or even two weeks selling the membership at full price, he really builds the value. So when he does offer the one week trial for just $1.99, it such a no-brainer that people sign up in droves. The campaign to get new $37 members is really a campaign to show people how valuable the membership is and set it up so that the $1.99 is simply too good to pass up.

If he had ONLY offered the $1.99 membership, he would not have properly established the value of the membership, and I don’t’ think his results would have been as good. And all of this isn’t even counting the members he did sign up during that week-long campaign at $37 a month each. So how can you use this in your own membership? First, you want to provide plenty of value inside your membership so that new members stay for a long time.

First, you want to provide plenty of value inside your membership so that new members stay for a long time.
Find out exactly what members want and give it to them. Have a place inside your membership where members can actually request new features be added to the membership. Next, really establish the value to prospects. Use lots of testimonials to show how your membership helps members to achieve their goals. You want to build the value so high that cost of membership seems low by comparison.

Lastly, offer your trial membership for only a day or two before closing it. This gets people off the fence and grabbing the trial before it’s too late. You can always open the trial back up again in a month or two, as you see fit. Finally, track your numbers. See how many people sign up at the regular rate, how many sign up for the trial, and how many convert from the trial to the regular paid membership

And of course, keep track of how long members stay. Find ways to get them to stick around longer and you will exponentially increase your monthly income for even bigger paydays. One more thing – imagine working your tail off to get your membership up and running. You might invest, say, two months into finding out exactly what people want, setting up the membership and filling it with content, software, etc.

Then imagine four months beyond that – you’ve got hundreds or even thousands of members with more joining. You’re making residual money on people who joined months ago. In fact, every month your income increases. You invest part of that money to continue to provide the content, software or services that members get, and the rest is yours. And life is sweet. Seriously, if you haven’t started a membership site of your own yet, what are you waiting for?

Until next time,

jonathan tejeda signature image

P.S: If you like to learn more about building a business online and make some extra mula on the side, Check out this free training

The post CASE STUDY ON A $1.99 TRIAL MEMBERSHIP appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Who’s Professor “B”?

A professor stood before his class of 20 senior students, about to hand out the final exam before they all parted ways. “I want to say that it’s been a pleasure teaching you this semester. I know you’ve all worked extremely hard and many of you are off to medical school after summer. So that no one gets their GP messed up because they might have been celebrating a bit too much this week, anyone who would like to opt out of the final exam today will receive a “B” for the course automatically.”

There was a loud cheer amongst the class as students got up, passed by the professor to thank him and leave on his offer. As the last student left the room, the professor looked out over the handful of remaining students and asked, “Anyone else want to leave with a B? This is your last chance.” One final student rose up and took the offer. The professor closed the door and after a moment looked over those students remaining.

“I’m glad to see you believe in yourself,” he said. “You all have A’s.”

Professor B in action

Who’s Professor B?

In our online businesses there is one thing we often forget, beyond strategy, beyond money and beyond the systems we are using – in order to succeed, you must believe in yourself fully. I once heard someone say – whatever decision you make, do it with conviction and power even if you are not sure it is the right one, because of weak decisions, no matter how great the idea, has no power and no magic in it. It is the weak decisions that we give up on and that don’t work.

If you want your business to thrive, you must first know that it can. Sounds simple but it is our greatest downfall and obstacle to true, lasting success. ‘I don’t know’ has no quality to it when it comes to business. All successful, rich people have a quality that we often miss – they make brave and bold but mostly quick decisions. They take action without having all the details, they go with their gut, they ignore all else and they believe it can work.

Who is Professor B?

Who is Professor B?

Without this fire within yourself, no great strategy will be the ‘one’, it will fizzle out and become just another good idea you once had. On that note, you must take a decision and run with it. Believe that no matter what comes up you can make it work. This doesn’t mean that you flippantly follow every trend and every idea that comes up without any research because that is just silly. But what you can do is research one idea, one thing you want to move forward with and with all this in mind, go for it. Believe in it and see it through to the end.

You can make most things work with a bit of hardcore belief. Life never gives you an idea that doesn’t have the potential in it to work, you are not that stupid. You will not come up with anything that doesn’t ultimately have the seeds within it to blossom so stick with your intuition and believe in yourself.

You have come so far and the only thing holding you back – is you.

Until next time,

jonathan tejeda signature image

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The post Who’s Professor “B”? appeared first on OnlineBizPro.

How to Start Generating Income by Reviewing Amazon Products

How to Get Paid to Review Amazon Products